Wednesday, 30 November 2022

what are the logos of the top car manufacturers?

If you're a car enthusiast, then you've likely seen and memorized the logos of some of the world's top car brands. Many of these logos contain hint of the carmaker history, representing different aspects of the brand, providing visual identity and recognition. Here's a roundup of some of the recognizable emblems of the industry.


Volkswagen's logo is one of the best known in the car world. It is composed of a stylized "V" and a "W" in blue, set inside a circular frame which is often referred to as a 'wheel'. The logo has been in existence since 1937, as a part of a rebranding move where the company name was changed from „German Auto Works" to "Volkswagen" (literally meaning „the people's car").


Audi has had the same logo for over 100 years, evolving from a masterfully painted car by their founder, August Horch. It consists of four interlinked rings, with the company name written in its centre. The logo itself is thought to represent the interlinked gearwheels of the original automotive model produced by the manufacturer.


The BMW logo has somehow retained its iconic design since the early days of the car brand, back in 1917. The logo incorporates black and white colors and consists of four working parts; the BMW initials, an encircled blue and white „V" shape or propeller, a set of overlapping gearwheels, and sometimes the company name in Royal formatting.


The company's famous logo was replaced with an updated one in 2003. Its blue oval has described the brand since the 1910s and signifies the city of Detroit (in Michigan), the birthplace of Ford Motor Company. The styling of the current logo is a blue oval-shaped ribbon folded up around the ends, vertically set, and with the company name written inside the center.


The logo of Mercedes products has been around since 1909 and has only been slightly modified in certain details from then to now. The trademark consists of a three-pointed star placed inside a laurel wreath, which historically has symbolized the upscale quality of the brand.


Toyota opted for an aesthetic evolution of their logo, taking the original oval shape and turning it into a script logotype in 1989. The oval shape was then used as an ornament and signifies the union of the hearts of Toyota. The logo itself is composed of three overlapping ellipses spreading from top to bottom and formed with a stylized etching of the letters „T", „O", „Y", „O" and „T".


Honda's simple logo consists of the company name written in a unique font. It was created with a simple idea in mind; to represent the „H" of Honduras legend, and hence the H symbol is featured as part of the logo.

See more about car logos

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